Summary Geocaching Pages

This page filters the pages from to turn them into simple html files suitable for a handheld device or printing. It can also join together several cache summaries into a single file which is handy if you have a few caches you'd like to visit in one trip. Note that is queried for each cache so don't put too many caches in the query.

For more information on getting the caches on your handheld, please refer to this page at

You can either use this form and enter the caches you'd like in GCxxxx or number format with spaces separating the caches,

Decrypt Hints:

Or you can compose directly on the url bar. Just type and then put in the caches in GCxxxx or number format, separated by +'s. You can also add &decrypt=y to decrypt all hints on the page or &decrypt=n to remove the [decrypt] links. For the index you can add &index=y to only show the index or &index=t to include the index at the top of the file.

For example, the summary for the Facing Saints cache at
can be found at
and the summary for both of our caches is

Finally, you can get a list of the caches that you haven't found yet that are in the proximity of a given cache or postcode.

Geocaching username: Cache: Postcode: Number of Caches: Decrypt Hints:

Let me know if you have any problems.

Go back to the main Geocaching Waypoints page.